Name: kisslicer %global cname KISSlicer %global maj 1 %global min 1 %global rev 0 Version: %{maj}.%{min}.%{rev} Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Keep It Simple Slicer URL: # License information: "MAY be shared freely" License: Redistributable, no modification permitted # Download for both 64 and 32 bit Source0: %{url}/files/%{maj}%{min}%{rev}/%{cname}_Linux64_%{maj}_%{min}_%{rev}.zip Source1: %{url}/files/%{maj}%{min}%{rev}/%{cname}_Linux32_%{maj}_%{min}_%{rev}.zip # Get the Windows binary for icon extraction Source2: %{url}/files/%{maj}%{min}%{rev}/%{cname}_Win32_%{maj}_%{min}_%{rev}.zip BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: /usr/bin/wrestool BuildRequires: /usr/bin/convert ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} x86_64 %global debug_package %{nil} # Provide a capitalized version as well Provides: %{cname}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description KISSlicer is a fast, easy-to-use, cross-platform program that takes 3D files (STL) and generates path information (G-code) for a 3D Printer. This FREE version has all the features needed for the hobbyist who uses a single-head machine. %prep # Unpack 64bit binary %ifarch x86_64 %setup -qTc -b0 %endif # Unpack 32bit binary %ifarch %{ix86} %setup -qTc -b1 %endif # Unpack Windows binary %setup -qTD -a2 %build # Extract the icon from the Windows binary wrestool -x -t 14 %{cname}.exe > %{name}.ico rm %{cname}.exe # And convert it to PNGs for res in 256 128 96 64 48; do mkdir -p hicolor/${res}x${res}/apps done cd hicolor convert ../%{name}.ico %{name}.png mv %{name}-0.png 256x256/apps/%{name}.png mv %{name}-1.png 128x128/apps/%{name}.png mv %{name}-2.png 96x96/apps/%{name}.png mv %{name}-3.png 64x64/apps/%{name}.png mv %{name}-4.png 48x48/apps/%{name}.png rm %{name}-*.png cd - rm %{name}.ico %install # Install the binary into libexec, because it expects user-writable config files right next to it mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir} install -pm 0755 %{cname} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{cname} # Shell wrapper that links the binary to home mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir} cat > %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/%{name} << EOF #!/bin/bash mkdir -p ~/.%{cname} 2>/dev/null [ ! -f ~/.%{cname}/%{cname} ] && ln -sf %{_libexecdir}/%{cname} ~/.%{cname}/%{cname} exec ~/.%{cname}/%{cname} "\$@" EOF # Also provides capitalized executable ln -sf %{name} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/%{cname} # Make sure it's executable chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/* # Icons mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons cp -r hicolor %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons # desktopfile mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications cat > %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop << EOF [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Version=1.0 Name=%{cname} Comment=%{summary} Icon=%{name} TryExec=%{_bindir}/%{name} Exec=%{_bindir}/%{name} %U Terminal=false MimeType=application/sla;application/x-3ds;model/mesh;image/x-3ds;model/x3d+xml;model/x3d+binary; Categories=Graphics;3DGraphics; StartupNotify=true EOF %check desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop %post /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : /usr/bin/update-desktop-database &>/dev/null || : %postun if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : fi /usr/bin/update-desktop-database &>/dev/null || : %posttrans /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : update-desktop-database &>/dev/null || : %files %{_bindir}/%{name} %{_bindir}/%{cname} %{_libexecdir}/%{cname} %{_datadir}/applications/* %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/* %changelog * Mon Feb 22 2016 Miro HronĨok - 1.1.0-1 - Initial package